I'm using the Parallax assembler for SX processor but the following would also apply to PIC. As is well known, when using Parallax's extended instructions, a skip preceding such an instruction will jump into the middle of the instruction. Obviously one tries to avoid doing this but it can happen. It would be nice if such an obviously unintended result would cause an assembler error or, at least, a warning. It doesn't in the version I am using. I am using the SXkey version 1.07 IDE. I'd change to a newer version if it was known to address this but I suspect it doesn't. I could write a program to check for this myself but surely others must have addressed this. In the manual, Parallax basically say "be sure not to do this ". Any thoughts? regards Russell McMahon -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics