>The manufacturers are in the business of making money. So having pared >down printers to the point where they last almost under 1 year (i.e. >warranty), the only way to lower customer price and still make $$ is to >mark up something that is not covered under warranty. This is not a new >idea, but I am surprised that customer lobbies are so slow reacting to >this ? They are not robbers, they have found a legal loophole in customer >rights laws (the ones that oblige them to publish prices in ads and stand >by them etc.), and are happily grazing in that pasture. Have been for a >while now. Peter, you will think it's strange, but I LOVE IT Look at the beneficials: 1 - I can get a printer for CHEAP. Man, I said CHEAP. Did I said C H E A= P???? An inkjet printer that costed about $500 now costs about $50. Cheap= as hell, as americans say. In Brazil, even the poorest can afford an= inkjet with photo quality print. 2 - The carts CAN be refilled. Or as said in Brazil, "remanufactured".= Some can't but there will be a way to do. www.nomorecart.com gave me a= great idea - their product/idea can be adapted to every lovely printer in= the world. I'm in process of modifying an old HP500 to use a BIG bottle of= ink, and giving it to someone who prints a lot, like my neighbourhoods= (wow, this is hard to spell, sorry if I got wrong). If it works, I'll do= it in "some" tens of Epsons I have in my locker. And never mind changing= carts again. Epson printers can even use the tube directly connected to= the pins that sucks the ink from the cart, I THINK. Time for some= experiences here. 3 - Old printers are cheap sources of great parts. I got tens of Epsons= 500, 600 and like, to scrap batteries, MOSFETs, EPROMs, small gears= (robotics are a passion), motors, belts, screws, funny ICs, PSUs, LEDs and= others that children love, and electronics' beginners need ;o) Maybe an= "electronics 101" in the local comunity house, for poor people and small= children - do you remember when you first energized a motor? And= controlled the bright of a LED with a potentiometer? ;o))) 4 - obsolescence - if I used the right word. I have an OLD (man, that's= what I call OLD) Canon BJC 4100. Do you know why? Because IT WORKS. Every= time. The inkheads doesn't gets clogged and the carts are cheap. Of course= the printout compared with new printers is like comparing a 3DfX with an= old MSX or Sinclair Spectrum. But I only need it, I seldom print anything.= And when I print, is one or two pages. Just for reference. Now that I have= a palmtop (man, Palm Vx RULEZ!), I don't even need to carry any piece of= paper with me. Even photos I store on the palmtop. But if I want (and open= my hand, and maybe taking off that old spider from my pocket), I CAN= afford a brand new printer, with photo quality and like. 5 - Experiences. Have you tried to use an inkjet printer to print a CD? It= CAN be done and I DID! Of course, without alignment and quality. But only= because I'm too lazy to build the entire mech necessary to draw the CD= correctly thru the print mecha. Of course, a "PC Board Printer" is also in= the works - change the ink of the cart by the acid-resistant one, and feed= the board thru the mecha of the printer, modified to use a paper= "something" thicker. Here you have your "Poor's man PC Board printer". Of= course it can only be done because an HP500 costs around $10 nowadays. I= even gave one 520 away to my lovely (hmmm, insert the female of "landlord"= here, forgot the dictionary somewhere). As you see, now you can do lots of= crazy experiences that bring knowledge and praticity (?) to your life. 6 - Fun. You can do anything with printers - even smashing it with your= new 6-kilos hammer. It's fun! Trust me! As you can see, why not have "discardable" printers? So bad we don't have= discardable palmtops and digital cameras yet...wait...in Japan, there ARE= discardable digital cameras! Oh my! ;o))) ---8<---Corte aqui---8<---- Alexandre Souza taito@terra.com.br http://planeta.terra.com.br/lazer/pinball/ ---8<---Corte aqui---8<---- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads