Hi all. I've come up against a part of the PIC that I find really hard to understand. So I'm going to give my interpretation, then hopefully you can correct me where I am wrong. Basically this involves the differences between the PCL and jump tables, and the FSR and indirect addressing. To use the FSR, basically you load an address into it, for example 0x50. Then you can access that memory location using INDR right? And if I do something like "incf fsr" I can now access 0x51 right? As far as I can tell, this would be usefull for storing a bunch of variables and then recalling them later. The advantage is I can change memory locations easily (by modifying the FSR), and if needed I can access the data out of order. However, if I wanted to set up some sort of table or something using the FSR, at the beginning of my code, I'd have to load the data into the table, or it would be empty (or random). Now, the PCL I know less about. The basic idea as I understand it is that dependant on some sort of decision, I can load a value into the PCL and then on the next instruction, program execution will continue from that location. But how do I know what value to load? Do I just use any open value, then put an ORG instruction in front of the code that I want there? How do I return to my main code again? Ok, questions aside, the advantages here would be that I could have large tables and that they could live in program memory, and not take up valuable data memory right? But how do I deal with program memory banks? I have never figured that out either. How do I know when I need to switch banks? Now let me explain my project. Basically what I will need to do is to take an eight bit number, and convert it to another 8 bit number that will then be used in the TMR to give me a specific delay. So what I think I should use is the PCL because I don't have 256 bytes of data memory. I want to use a table so that I can change the relationship between the delay and the input number if needed. Question is, how do I do this? Are there any tutorials out there about this? I'd really appreciate any help anyone can give. Thanks! Josh Koffman -- A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. -Douglas Adams -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics