Sometime you gotta love this list. Sometime people go right out and let the smoke out of their bits long before your iron is hot. That and someone blurts out things that save time n money. Just so I'm on topic slightly. We never design anything with a 7805 that doesn't have a head voltage in the 3-5 range. Preferably 3 if its going to pull near rated current. I have run one with 18.5 head and it ran red hot even with a huge sink on it. It was one of the least reliable designs I let out. >Maxim has some nice regulator chips that are pretty inexpensive - on a >production board, a power supply using these chips would cost you about as >much as a 7805 and you don't have the heat issues (and if you are running >from batteries, the circuit will run a *lot* longer). > >myke Now this just made my day. I had a quick look at some of Maxims stuff and found one of these that eliminates me having to design two separate power supplies. I can heat sink it for worst case and laugh. You know I think I've learned two things from this list this month. That's almost scary ;-] As a direct result I didn't have to think nearly as hard and can now afford to kill off those extra brain cells with beer this weekend. Cheers Dave -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See