Ok, here's my 2p worth for recalcitrant win2K files. First it important that regedt32 is used NOT regedit; both come with Win2K. Run regedt32 from the \Start\Run menu option. Then from Regedt32 select the H_Keylocal machine hive so- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager 2. Create a new value called; PendingFileRenameOperations Data type 3. When the 'String Value' box pops up write in; Value data: \??\c:\folder\file_name!\?? on a seperate line write in; \c:\winnt\system32\file_name where FOLDER is the FOLDER/DIRECTORY where the file you want lives and FILE_NAME is the name of the file. On some systems WINNT might say WINDOWS however it's the folder that contains all the O/S files the complete entry should look thus; PendingFileRenameOperations Data type : REG_MULTI_SZ Value data: \??\c:\folder\file_name!\??\c:\winnt\system32\file_name 4. Close Regedt32 and reboot Windows. 5. Pray like mad to your God 6. Curse Mr Windoze himself 7. All should be well. FYI. The reason this should work over the suggestion by Ashley Roll is that the RUNONCE key gets processed after the system security system is up and running in actual fact it runs just after user log in. It can be seen working when you install something and as you log in Windows flashes up a message installing -- whatever and then goes chunking around for the next 7 hours. Also regedt32 seems to keep better correlation between the copy of registry in memory and that on the hard drive possibly because its designed for the hive style architecture of Win2K. The good news is XP is easier in this respect and LINUX doesn't have this problem Colin -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads