Paul, Sounds like a great first project! You could do this with a small PIC (I'd recommend a 16F628), a Dallas sensor (DS18S20, DS1620, whatever) and maybe a smallish serial EEPROM like a 24LC64 to store the readings. There are lots of methods of getting the serial port of the PC connected to the PIC, check the web page for ideas. On the PC side, of course, you can do lots of things with the data... even use MRTG to give you neat charts showing temperature over time. Do you have any idea what your preferred language will be? Personally I prefer C, but there are tons of really, really good Assembly (and BASIC, and JAL, etc) programmers on the list who are always happy to help. Also, do you have a programmer yet, or are you also looking for suggestions on tools? Dale > Please let me know any ideas, projects, source or in fact absolutely > anything that would help me make this a success. -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads