I hate to ask questions that have probably been asked a thousand times before but..... I have a PIC16F84A and a texas intruments TLC548CP 8 Bit Serial Analog to Digital Converter. What i would like to know is if i can use them together, ie read values from the ADC and store them in EEPROM temporarily before processing them later. I am ofcourse a newbie and have limited knowledge in the use of such devices and am a little confused when the data sheet says something like: I/O Clock is 2.048Mhz Internal System Clock is Typically 4Mhz Then it goes on to say "...for flexibility and access speed, there are two control inputs: I/O Clock and Chip Select." Hrmmm... does this mean it only requires the external clock if using the I/O clock as a control input and i can still get samples from the ADC by only holding CS high or low for x amount of uS even if i dont provide an external clock ? Then there is the problem of actually reading the sample as its output quick enough by the Pic controller to get the right conversion information... from what i gather the following is almost correct: ; bring CS low for 2 clock cycles ( 1.4 uS ) NOTE: CS is inverted. ; wait 8 clock cycles for conversion to take place. (5.6 uS ) ; bring CS high for conversion cycle ( 8uS normal, 17uS max ) ; wait for output to be enabled ( 1.4 uS Max ) ; read data pint every uS to get data ; shift this information left onto a GPR ; read next bit I can see problems in that the clock cycle for this appears to be about 0.7uS and the pic only executres 1 instruction every 1uS. Is it possibly to safely underclock this ADC so that it will run at system clock period of of 2us? Another thought i have (again not sure if its even valid with my newbie knowledge) is with the use of a shift register thats operating at the same frequency as the ADC. Using the PIC to enable/start the conversion cycle as well as to enable the shift register. Then read the 8 bits from the shift register using port B. Im tempted to use another ADC i have, an 8 channel 10 bit covnerter with all sorts of fancy functions but the bloody thing is surface mount package making it near impossible to experiment with. Dylan. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu