On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Walter Banks wrote: > Check on Scott's and our web site for information on touch > switch technology. > w.. For Walter's: http://www.bytecraft.com/touch.html For mine? I don't have any thing about touch sensing on my personal Web page. However, my employer Synaptics, the market leader for TouchPads, has quite a bit: http://www.synaptics.com/ . I'd really be surprised if the QProx devices are just PICs with the part number scraped off. More likely they've licensed MicroChip's core along with some proprietary circuitry and have contracted with Microchip to produce it. This is just a WAG; but it's an educated WAG. Detecting a single touch *is* straight forward. However, producing a design that is robust to variations in numerous parameters is not easy. In our touchpads, we go through numerous details to ensure robustness. This is obvious if you've ever looked closely at one of our designs. Although, we can actually not just detect touch, but, more importantly, where the touch occurred. It's not a trivial problem. As a related aside, does anybody have an application where they'd like to use capacitive touch sensing to resolve position? I have my nose to the engineering grindstone, but occasionally have my ear against the marketing wall. Scott -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body