Hey all I have made some simple code for the 12C509A and when i compile it i = get: Error[120] Call or jump not allowed at this address ((must be in low = half of page) Warning[227] Substituting RETLW 0 for RETURN pseudo-op The pice of code that is reported not to work is: nr1 movlw 0xFF movwf counter loop BCF GPIO,3 CALL pulse ; HERE IS THE ERROR 120 !=20 BSF GPIO,3 CALL farve_1 : ALSO HERE !=20 decfsz counter,f goto loop BCF GPIO,3 return ; HERE IS THE =B4WARNING 227 !=20 Why cant i use call and return with the 12C509 ??!?!? Best Regards Lasse Madsen -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.