It's probably a fluid level sensor. It's just a bare contact touching the liquid. You need to read it with ac. Set up an oscillator with a gate, feed ac to the sensor through a cap, and rectify and meter the ac voltage on the cap. Compare this with a threshold for ok/nok switching. Since you measure 20K to ground a series resistor of about 68K will be required from osc output to capacitor. This should swing the o/p voltage from about 25% to almost 100% when the water level goes too low. The frequency can be set low, say 100Hz. hope this helps, Peter PS: I am almost certain that the radiator should be grounded somewhere, unless it's aluminium, in which case it probably should not (to avoid electrochemical corrosion)! -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body