Byron A Jeff wrote: >This post is representative of a pet peeve of mine. I just wanted to >solicit some opinions as to what the better design technique is. > >[... stuff deleted for brevity ... see how courteous I am? ...] > >Is it always best to suggest designs with the >"right" part for the job instead of putting something together with the >parts >on hand? Especially when the part on hand has already been designed into >the >circuit? I think the answer to this question depends on which of several "hats" you are wearing at the time. That is, wearing ones "engineer for a large company" hat, the best part is the right part. But if you are wearing your "weekend electronic hobbyist" hat, then of course the best part is the one you have sitting on your work table RIGHT NOW (as a hobbyist, there is nothing I hate more than waiting for a part!). In the particular thread that Byron mentioned, I thought all the answers, from FRAM to NiCad, were useful and interesting. I might actually use some but not others; the choice will depend on which hat I'm wearing when the issue arises. I guess I'm just saying that the PIClist is like the Republican Party: it is big enough to include lots of different viewpoints! Michael (who, by the way, is not by any stretch of the imagination a Republican) Thank you for reading my little posting. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads