I've salvaged some parts from and old line printer and want to use some of them for pic projects By far the most valuable are the two steppers 1.9 degree per step, 3.5A bipolar steppers. The guys are huge. I need some help identifying the use of the following some transistors - writing on them look like RCA401 and RCA349 scr1906 a whole bunch of intel chips - 8085, 8255, 8155H-2 8253-5 some more RCA chips 40 pin RCA236, RCA227, RCA240, RCA210 and 68 x RCA 345 there are also a bunch of uv erasable eproms i must still see if the power supply is of any use, but it looks like it delivers 48V Do any of these have any value for pic stuff, or should they go to the back of the junk box? Regards John -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.