Hi all... I have a pice of code which is repeated 8 times, this consumes alot of = memory which i think could be spared (but im not sure) if assembler was = as easy as JAL or BASIC it wasnt a problem to optimize my code=20 but assembler is like school for me - you learn every day=20 number_1 movlw 0xFF movwf counter loop BCF porta,01 CALL pulse BSF porta,01 CALL pause_1 decfsz counter,f goto loop BCF porta,01 return The code from label: "number_1" to "return" is repeated 8 times with = different call pause_X numbers If it was possible to make a procedure and call the pause number i could = save ALOT of code If it was jal i would say: procedure xxx ( byte in Y ) is=20 xxx xxx call pause_Y xxx xxx end procedure=20 then i could call the procedure with a different number each time insted = of writing each subroutine for each number.=20 If any one has any solutions im more than happy to hear about them !=20 best regards lasse madsen -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics