Hi All, I have to decide which uC to use in my intelligent battery charger. At the moment I can see two possibilities: PIC16F877 and Atmel AVR 90S8535. Prices of both are almost equal there in Poland, both feature 8 channel/10 bit ADC, two channels of PWM and similar overall performance. Well, AVR has only 4 kwords of programm memory, but in fact on an AVR I can do with the single instruction something which requires two ops on a PIC. The main differences are in the developments tools. I'd like to use free and preferably open source tools to complete the design (it should be a didactical design). For PIC there is a wonderful GPSIM simulator, able to simulate even the ADC converter... I couldn't find any equivalent open source or even free tool for AVR. But OTOH for AVR I have a very good GPL'ed AVR-GCC compiler, (and from the didactic point of view it would be much better to program the thing in C not in assembler). For PIC I couldn't find any good open source high level language compiler/interpreter (the best one was "mary" a PIC forth compiler, but unfortunately even the last development version obtained directly from the author does not seem to be mature enough, the next candidate could be JAL, but it is not open source). I would appreciate any suggestions, pointers for the tools and other hints. -- TIA & Regards, Wojciech M. Zabolotny http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~wzab <--> wzab@ise.pw.edu.pl http://www.opendvd.org Don't allow others to decide what can you play on YOUR hardware, and what OS you need to watch DVD!!! -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics