Dear bin laden of PICworld, ;o) >Anyways, in this case it created a short between the 5V and GND tracks.= The >regulator is heatsinked (well isolated though) and got hot quite fast :-)= It >only took a second before I had disconnected it again, but at that point= the >PIC was burning hot at both VDD-VSS pin locations, and consequently the >resistance when measured between VDD and VSS pins is ZERO. I might as well >use a paper clip in the circuit rather than the PIC after this "incident"= :( Wow! You got a real cheap way to pic something, eh! ;o) >But I'm wondering what it is exactly that kills the PIC in this case. >Shouldn't the current simply go through the short (which is at the= beginning >of the circuit, way before the power lines reach the other components)?= Why >did the LED's and MAX232 survive fine but the PIC died? Very interesting question. I think what fried your PIC was not the short,= but the fast rise and fall of the +vcc rail, in a short circuit. 7805 has= a small period of no-regulation, that's small enough to rise vcc to 7, 8= volts and not fry the circuit. Since your veroboard is getting particles= "from the air", it creates an intermitent short, that makes the regulator= turn on and off very fast. Strange but true Solutions: 1 - change your supplier of veroboard. Humidty in the board can cause it.= Is it fiberglass or fenolite? 2 - build a better Power Supply. 3 - What you have in your PS along the 7805? Can we see schematics of what= you did? 4 - Call that small woman from "poltergeist" to "decontaminate" your= protoboard and say "this clean!" 5 - pray Anyway, keep trying, everyone has fried a pic before during learning ;o) ---8<---Corte aqui---8<---- Alexandre Souza ---8<---Corte aqui---8<---- -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads