Heips, I am using a PIC16F877 and am stuck with a strange problem, which I hope is due to a mistake on my part rather than a broken PIC. Summary: bsf STATUS, RP0 ; Use register bank number 1 movlw b'10000110' ; Set port A as digital I/O movwf ADCON1 ; instead of ADC movlw b'00000000' ; All pins set to output movwf TRISA ; on port A movlw H'FF' ; Assert all pins movwf PORTA ; on port A I upload it to the chip using a bootloader and serial connection, and reset the circuit. All pins on port A now measure 5.00 volts between them and GND, EXCEPT for pin 4 (RA4/T0CKL), which measures something between 0.8 and 3.3 volts. Usually I would blame this on a connection problem somewhere, but now I am using a breadboard and the pin in question is not connected to anything (neither are the other port A pins). Maybe it has something to do with the timer associated with that pin? I have tried some different configurations, and each one got a different voltage, but never the normal +5V. What do I need to do (starting with the default startup configuration) in this case, using the PIC16F877 @ 4 MHz with a crystal oscillator using the following config word: _CP_OFF _WDT_OFF _BODEN_ON _PWRTE_ON _XT_OSC _WRT_ENABLE_ON _LVP_OFF _DEBUG_OFF _CPD_OFF Hope the chip is ok :-) Thanks for any pointers, Kinds regards Dennis Noordsij -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu