> I use an Atmos Pro and there are some things that I find really > annoying. For example, the biggest number on the display after a > single dive day is the time from when you turned the thing on to > when you jumped in the water. Who cares ? No fly time? > Something that I consider to be dangerous is the behaviour in a > violation situation. It turns off for 24 hours. It seems to me that if > that situation arises, I want the doc at the chamber to see exactly > what I did to get there. Downloads from the computer are not generally locked out. Over here, the major chambers try to have an interface for every computer going. A lot of divers (as with every other walk of life) are idiots. Anything that can be done to prevent them racking up DCS hits is usually a good thing... > I'll gladly take an increase in size to enable having a backlight that > stays on. Trying not to blind your buddy on the way up on a night > dive is bad enough without having to find another hand to keep > pressing that damn button. Oh - the ascent rate indicators are a > waste of time. Battery life on the computer... Ascent rate indicators - I don't want an absolute value, I just want to know if I'm starting to go up too fast. Too slow an ascent racks up additional deco penalties. > There are a few things I would like to add. I would like it to be > buddy and tables aware. I might be using Nitrox and a computer > but my buddy might be on air and tables. Since we would both be > doing the same profile, it can give me an idea of their status. Gas switching? My computer doesn't support it, so if I do deco on a richer mix, I track CNS & OTUs manually. Not ideal, but the recreational dive market hasn't caught up on that one yet. > It is one of those nice things where once you have the basis of a > system - display, micro, pressure sensor and few buttons in a > waterproof housing, the rest becomes just a matter of growing the > software. (eg. gas changes, etc). So it'll need to be easy to dismantle... Which means more difficult to build so that it doesn't leak. > On a slightly different tangent - Does anyone know of a suitable > earpiece or small headset for use underwater ? Dangling on a rope > under a boat is the ideal place for a MP3 player. I've seen "waterproof" speakers for sale - but never saw any tech data on them, so don't know *how* w/proof they'd be. > That would have to be a marketable gimmick for a dive computer - > a built in MP3 player, preloaded with the theme from Jaws. :-) A diver recall signal with a difference... Peter This email, its content and any attachments is PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL to TANDBERG Television. If received in error please notify the sender and destroy the original message and attachments. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics