There should be no problem doing phase control at 12V (after a transformer) using triacs. The triac voltage drop is now a larger percentage of the line voltage, so you have to keep that in mind. The current limit resistor on the MOC triac will also probably have to be reduced to get adequate trigger current. Triacs CAN drive transformer loads, it's just a little tricky. One thing to watch out for is that the phase control is very well balanced between positive and negative half-cycles. Any DC imbalance shows up as DC voltage across the transformer primary, leading to core saturation and high currents. Careful design of the phase control circuitry can minimize this, however. You can also use "solid state transformers" after a phase control dimmer to drive low voltage lamps. These are small high frequency switching power supplies. The input AC line goes through a full wave bridge to a power oscillator that drives a transformer. The high frequency AC drives the lamps directly. These are available as a consumer item at pretty low cost. Since they have no (or minimal) filter capacitor after the rectifier, the phase control "passes through" the device. Another approach (we did a 72 channel DC dimmer this way) is to have a big 12V transformer running off the line. Full wave rectify the secondary, grounding the negative side of the bridge output. Run the positive side through the loads to FETs to ground. The FET gates can be directly driven with a phase control signal (from a PIC or other phase control generation circuitry). This approach is nice in that the FETs do not have to deal with a negative voltage on the drain (as they would if we were to phase control the AC directly). Phase control of AC would either require two FETs, two IGBTs, two SCRs, or a single triac. Rectifying the power early saves us from this hassle. Also, the lack of filtering on the output of the rectifier makes it so standard dimmer curves still work (it's still a sine wave, but the negative half is switched back up to the positive side). We also avoid the cost and space requirements of a large capacitor to filter the DC to handle the lamp loads. Finally, the RDSon of the FETS is very low, so minimal heat sinking is required. The only real voltage drop (thus requiring heat sinking) is in the bridge rectifier. You can reduce this drop by using a center tapped transformer and two diodes (instead of the four). We used a 12V 50A secondary toroid transformer driving a bridge rectifier module in our 72 channel dimmer. I have not done anything with reverse phase control, since most of our circuits use triacs or SSRs. I have not seen any economical method to move away from triacs or SSRs in higher power circuits. Using FETs or IGBTs in AC circuits requires two per channel along diodes to steer the current to the appropriate device. Coming up with isolated gate drive also seems to be a problem. By the time you add the steering diodes to an FET circuit, the voltage drop approaches that of a triac, so we don't get any efficiency gain by going to the more complex circuitry. IGBTs have an even higher voltage drop. I tend to look at them as like a Darlington pair with the first transistor being a FET. Turning on the FET shorts the base to the collector. However, since it takes 700mV to turn on the base, the collector cannot drop below 700mV, while the saturation voltage on a BJT is down in the 300mV area. If we just used a FET, we'd be dealing with RDSon instead of the saturation voltage, and have higher efficiency due to the lower voltage drop. Harold FCC Rules Online at Lighting control for theatre and television at ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: -- hint: To leave the PICList