Hi All. I've got a board working with the 17C756 in external microcontroller mode. I've verified that it can read and write to external RAM just fine with my emulator (PICMASTER). I've also verified that if I try to write to an area that has no RAM, sure enough, when I read it back, I get 0xFFFF. But any attempt to read external memory (i.e. memory above 0x4000) in MPLAB 5.20 (e.g. via the Modify Window, with Memory Area=Program and "Read" button) results in MPLAB crashes. I've set the PICMASTER's Configuration to "Extended Microcontroller" and the Memory to "Off-Chip Memory ... from Target Board". I know the new, non-0xFFF data is out in RAM, because I read it back via a function and assign it to a local variable, which is watch in a Watch Window. But I can't seem to see it directly, neither through the Modify Window nor through the Program Mmeory Window. If I use the Modify window to _write_ to program memory (e.g. all 0's, a nop), the Program Memory window shows the nop, but it seems to be "fake" in that a read of the same location causes an MPLAB crash, etc. All help and suggestions appreciated. The 17C756 circuit in question is in Application Guide AG-5 on our website. Thanks, -- ______________________________________ Andrew E. Kalman, Ph.D. Salvo(TM), The RTOS that runs in tiny places(TM) Pumpkin, Inc. 750 Naples Street San Francisco, CA 94112 tel: (415) 584-6360 fax: (415) 585-7948 web: http://www.pumpkininc.com email: aek@pumpkininc.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics