Has anyone on this list managed to make devices & software for Palm-compatible units using the serial link? It appears that no Handsprings and few Palms support hardware handshaking on a serial protocol, specifically there are no CTS or CTR(sp?) pins available. While on my list of things to do, PIC serial communications isn't something I have done yet, so in short, is no hardware handshaking a problem? My goal here is that I would like to develop software for a PIC and a Palm such that I can use the Palm as something of a data exchange, tuning, control, human I/O and possibly as a diagnostic device for the PIC. I have looked through the development support on the Palm and Handspring sites, but there is so much there I would appreciate it if some pointers were given. Jeff -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu