Is there a standard naming convention for RS-485 terminals? It looks like I've worked myself into a corner by adding bias resistors to a design. I've read the Bob Perrin article from Circuit Cellar Ink ("The Art and Science of RS-485"), National app note AN-847 ("FAILSAFE Biasing of Differential Buses"), and the B&B Electronics RS-485 app notebook. To my eye, all three imply that a pullup to positive supply is used on the non-inverting input, and a pulldown to ground is used on the inverting input. So far, so good. The Perrin and B&B text both refer to the inverting terminals as 'A', and the non-inverting terminals as 'B'. I've got hardware with pullups on 'B', pulldowns on 'A'. But wait--it starts to get interesting...the datasheets for the MAX485, AD485, and LTC485 all have the inverting input labelled as 'B'! Argh. Can anyone shed some light on what the proper bias configuration should be? How about the terminal naming convention--is A inverting or non-inverting? newell -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body