I think I've mentioned before that I'm working on a control system for my house that uses pic's and CAN. Well, I finally have working prototypes. I've started working on the final circuit schematics and board layouts, but as this my first time I'd like to have it looked over by others before sending it to a board house. I've done everything in Eagle Light and below is a link to my project webpage. It has a snapshot of my project directory, although only the *_switch* files are complete. If anybody would care to take a look for me I'd really appreciate it. In particular I think the ICSP part could be better, but it works. How do I know what kind of package to use for surface mount diodes? What about FET's? I need those for the relay controller. BTW, I know I promised CAN and SPI code. As soon as I get it cleaned up I'll post it on the same page. Project Page: http://terrandev.com/~bfoz/lakehouse/ -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu