My apologies to everyone for changing the subject line; I don't have the post here at work about the request from someone asking for forward converter design methods/equations. I do have some answers however. First, get a book. Here's mine: SWITCHING AND LINEAR POWER SUPPLY, POWER CONVERTER DESIGN, ABRAHAM I. PRESSMAN Hayden Book Co. ISBN 0-8104-5847-0 1977 Somewhat dated now, (very little mention of IC's), but an excellent starter. If you design smps circuits for a living, it's ok to have this in your library. If you only design smps when forced to, you will get a lot out of it. Forward converter design starts with transformer core selection. Get magnetic core catalogs from your vendors. Find a core that will handle your power levels. Begin with a conservative design- maybe around flux densities of 1500 peak. Core size is inversely proportional to frequency; smaller cores work at higher frequencies; larger ones are required the lower the frequency. Thus higer freqs allow smaller xfmrs but also have greater switching losses - you decide! Calculate required number of primary turns to standoff the applied voltage: (Edc-1)*10e8 Np = --------------------- 4*f*Ae*Bmax Where: Np = number of primary turns Edc = applied input voltage (the -1 is to account for switch losses) 10e8 = 100,000,000 f = operating freq in hertz Ae = core area in square centimeters Bmax is peak flux excursion in gauss Ae will be found in the mag core data books/sheets. Secondary winding. For any desired secondary voltage, Vs, its turns, Ns, are: Np*Vs Ns = ---------------- Edc - Vce(sat) This doesnot take in account the secondary diode losses, etc. There is much much more to the whole thing but this should allow you to choose a set of cores, wind a transformer and begin testing it. I usually start out by running tests on the first transformer with a signal generator. Also, you need two more things in your mental junkbox to get to the finish line here. Your xfmr will have some amount of leakage inductance which will act like a flyback or boost converter when the switch shuts off. This is flux that goes into the xfmr but does not manage to find it's way out via the secondary winding. It will make a large voltage spike appear at the switching transistor. It is usually handled with a 'snubber circuit'. The usual snubber is a half wave rectifier (fast) that has an RC load to absorb the leakage energy. The other thing needed is a reset winding. If you operate at greater than 50% duty cycle, the core will become saturated with flux and will cease to look like a transformer. The reset winding is designed to conduct when the switch is off to get rid of the core flux. Finally, I'm one of the people who only do this when forced to; ie., definitely not an expert. If anyone sees errors in this writeup, by all means please correct it so no one is made to stray from the path. Thanks. Best regards, Tom M. -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body