Ron, (added the +AFs-PIC+AF0-: tag) I typically leave all other I/O hooked up to the PIC, and run the PIC off my project's 5 volt power supply as well. I isolate MCLR with a diode and resistor, and leave RB6 and RB7 dedicated to programming. The PIC does need 5 volts to get programmed, and your programmer typically is limited in how much power it can supply to your board, so I let the board supply handle this task. I've tried several times to get circuits working with isolating jumpers to RB6 and RB7, but it was as they say +ACI-too much monkey business+ACI-. One of these days I'll be so strapped for I/O lines I'll have to make this work. -- Lawrence Lile ----- Original Message ----- From: +ACI-Ron Hackett+ACI- +ADw-ronhackett+AEA-HOTMAIL.COM+AD4- To: +ADw-PICLIST+AEA-MITVMA.MIT.EDU+AD4- Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 10:11 AM Subject: ICSP Question +AD4- I am designing a small ICSP circuit for a 16F84, and I have question. I +AD4- know I need to isolate or switch the RB6, RB7 and +AF8-MCLR lines, but I don't +AD4- know whether I also need to remove power from all of the I/O circuitry +AD4- attached to the PIC when the system is in programming mode. If anyone can +AD4- enlighten me, I would really appreciate it. +AD4- +AD4- Tnanks... Ron +AD4- +AD4- +AD4- +AF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXw- +AD4- Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at +AD4- +AD4- -- +AD4- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us+ACE- +AD4- email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body +AD4- +AD4- -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body