>>Ok, I've done something pretty stupid. > >Like, who *hasn't? :=) True enough. Some more than others though. >>nothing to worry about. The voltage regulators were getting really hot, >>which I thought was unusual, so decided to ignore it. > >Ignoring the heat was probably not the best move. (I usually don't notice >that there's heat until smoke appears.) I only noticed because I was wondering if the regulators got warm, and burnt my fingers. >>I put in my 16F84A, >>and recieved an error message when trying to program it. So I switched it >>off, removed the PIC The error messgae, if it helps anyone, is: Failed at 0000: Expecting 2823, found 3FFF >>When I looked at my cicuit board I realised that, being an utter muppet, >>I'd >>forgotten to cut the copper traces between the pins of the PIC socket. No >>wonder the regs were hot! >>Anyway, I corrected the mistake. The software now recognises the hardware, >>but I'm still getting an error message when trying to program the PIC. >>Have >>I fried the chip do you think? >> > >If *all* of the PIC pins were connected together when you tried to program >it, the PIC would probably have survived. All of the pins would see the >same >voltage. No, just opposite pins were connected, ie. 1 and 18, 2 and 17, etc. >My next step would be to check the Vdd and Vpp voltage levels. You may have >fried a regulator or have a mis-wiring. Unfortunately I don't have a multimeter. Yeah, I know, how do I work without one? Well, so far I managed to get by without... Its next on my shopping list though, along with a new PIC... _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics