Quentin wrote... >How far reaching did the attack affect you? 1) Absolutely HUGE delays getting to all of my usual Internet news sites, for most of Tuesday and Wednesday; I had to wait almost a MINUTE for some web pages to load. It was like being back in the Dark Ages of 56K modems; 2) Irritating delays in getting shipments while the jets were grounded. I actually had to wait two whole DAYS for something that should have got here overnight; and 3) No more news stories about Gary Condit (for those of you not in the States, Gary is the latest dipwit American politician who's managed to make a spectacular ass of himself by doing too much of his thinking with his "other head"). That's pretty much it: other than the horror, pain, sadness and outrage at the attack itself, there's been... no observable effect. =20 Absolutely none. A report out of Peshawar, Pakistan quoted a mullah telling his Friday prayers crowd, "A couple of strikes has turned America from a super power to zero power." Nah. This morning the jets started flying again. I got to work and was sipping my morning coffee while standing at my office window, when I heard a roaring sound- not the distant, frantic shriek of the fighters that have been around the last few days flying CAP, but the hearty, rumbling full-throated roar of a commercial passenger jet. We're barely a half-mile off the flight path of one of the runways, and I'd gotten so used to hearing that sound, once every minute, day after day, that I'd long ago stopped noticing it. =20 But today, after three days of silence, it startled me. I looked up. And there it came, over the treetops: USAirways. A minute later, another. Then another. And another... Life is good. And it's going to get better. =20 Much, MUCH better. DD -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics