Nick Taylor wrote... >One of my neighbors posed the following: > >...He proposed >that within the next few days that we collect and intern all persons >of Arabic descent. What do you think of his proposal? I think this is a singularly LOUSY idea, and one not likely to be endorsed by very many Americans these days. While such a thing might have seemed appropriate to people back in 1942, we are very different today. Your neighbor needs to do some serious chilling out. >My memories of the family of one of my best friends down the street >packing a few meager belongings in suitcases ... abandoning their >house, furniture, pets, and much of their possessions ... driving >off into the unknown ... are still very clear almost sixty years >later. I never did see my friend again. > >I am very much against taking such action, and deplore the recent >reports of bombings of mosques. The one I found particularly disturbing was this morning, a report that a bus (school bus?) full of Muslim children was pelted with stones by an angry mob somewhere in Australia. Right now people are angry, as am I; but it's important we not misdirect that anger at people who have done us no harm. What we need to do is focus it upon those who HAVE, and upon those who take delight in our pain. DD -- hint: To leave the PICList