> lol, you can think what you want. Im not saying that I dislike Americans We couldn't tell, from all the anti-American rhetoric you've been posting for the past few days. I know *I* certainly got the impression you dislike Americans, and I'm pretty thick skinned. perhaps you just don't communicate well. > but I am pointing out that America as a nation don't have a right to do some > of the things they do. I am also pointing out that allot of people do not > like America because of these things. I think that saying these people envy > Americas wealth and freedom is not 100% true, lots of Arabs are extremely > rich and most of those who are not do not see material wealth as important. I think you would be hard pressed to find a rich Arab who would not think material wealth is important. If they didn't, they wouldn't be rich - they didn't get that way from living a simple life of prayer and meditation, you know. And what exactly would you say America doesn't "have a right" to do? Protect its own interests? Invest money in its own businesses, and those in other countries? Send millions of tons of food to impoverished regions? Loan money by the billions to other countries, knowing it will never be repaid? Send missionaries, doctors, engineers and laborers to third world countries? Try to stem the flow of cocaine from Afghanistan and Central America? How much of that sort of thing does Britain do, I wonder? > I am not Anti-American, Im not glad of what happened, Im not stirring people > up. Im just saying that you have to step back and look at the WHOLE > picture, not just the events in New York. You have to try and understand > why it was done, not just get yourself raged up strike out in anger. When someone flies loaded airliners into commercial buildings full of civilians, I don't particularly *CARE* why it was done. The "whole picture" is that a bunch of crazy-assed terrorists just committed the largest single act of cowardly mass murder we've seen on US soil. Striking out is anger is the apropriate response. > I think there are others on the list who would agree that you need to try > and see issues from every point of view or any actions taken will end up > causing more problems. Blind attacks on people or nations suspected would > create another generation of fanatics and greater reason for them to want to > strike out at the west. I don't think many people in the US is really interested in "blind attacks" anywhere. We want to find those responsible -- which means those who did it, planned it, financed it, enabled it to happen by providing shelter, materials, money, arms, etc -- and make sure they pay the price. Our goal is to make it obvious that the price for this kind of sneak terrorist attack is so incredibly high that no one will want to try anything of the sort again, ever. Hopefully this will also reduce the number of terrorist attacks on other countries... once again, the US carrying the water for the rest of the world that you claim hates us so much. > BTW how do I unsubscribe from the off-topic posts? I want to subscribe only > to [PIC] posts as it seems people only want to hear certain things within > off-topic posts and if I have upset lots of people here (of which I doubt) > then I will give up trying to reason and just get on with projects. Send mail to listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICLIST TOPICS: -[OT] in the body of the message. If you'd take the time to read the FAQ on teh website you'd have found this pretty quickly. Dale -- A train stops at a train station. A bus stops at a bus station. On my desk I have a workstation... -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu