> Somewhere in the ISR, it "locks up" Do you mean PC never returns to the main loop ? Have you tried the LED test outside the ISR ? It looks as though you're getting a 1ppm signal from somewhere and using to increment the minute counter. Have you checked that signal ? > btfsc STATUS,C ;Has 60 minutes passed? > goto hours ;Yes > goto day ;No, but we need to see how many hours have passed. You could knock out an instruction here btfss status,c goto day hours > btfsc incdec,0 ;No, determine if we increase/decrease brightness > goto lights ;Increase brightness > goto dark ;Decrease brightness and here btfss incdec,w goto dark lights > As always, I would greatly appreciate any insight into my apparent > loss of marbles... Have they rolled under the desk ? -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu