Nick, your point list 1-6 is naieve and ideal. Your solution however is effective and brilliant. The hope is of course for non-compliance. This allows a material and real measure of retailiation. I would love to see this implemented, and soon. -----Original Message----- From: pic microcontroller discussion list [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Nick Taylor Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 12:42 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: Tragedy Mark Skeels wrote: > > I offer this for your consideration: hatred, at it's heart, is the same as > murder, just not acted out. Therefore, what these terrorists did is just the > natural result of hatred. > > Now, how will you suggest that we should address the hatred, which is the > actual root of the problem? Excellent, but very difficult, question Mark. Having been married to a lady from Mexico for sixteen years, and having traveled widely in my twenty years in the US military, I think that I have a semi informed feel for the attitudes prevalent in "third world" countries ... so I'll give a shot at an answer: (1) All colonial powers (US, UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland) need to publicly acknowledge and apologize for the way we've exploited so many countries ... and promise to not continue. (2) Stop setting up and supporting puppet governments in other countries that will support our economic and/or political positions. Batista in Cuba, Diem and others in Viet Nam, and the Shah in Iran quickly come to mind ...We make them rich, arm them, and then use them to exploit their countries. (3) Stop using military or economic means to coerce other countries to conform with our ideas of how they should handle their internal affairs. Use our military strength only to defend our shores and our citizens. (4) Stop electing our US government officials based on their fund raising abilities and the image that they present on television. Tony Blair comes to mind as the type of leader that we could have if we had a better method of selecting our leaders. (5) Improve our educational system to that a much larger portion of our citizens can understand our foreign and domestic policies so that we can make informed decisions in how we vote. (6) Break the habit of thinking that we must have somebody to hate. In the 20th century we went from hating the Orientals to hating the Soviet Union, and now it's a toss up whether we should hate China or Islam. We don't need to be on a wartime basis to maintain our economy. Now having said all that, the atrocity of September 11th must have a response. If I were president (not a chance, my dislike for politics caused me to turn down a seat on our local board of education a couple of months ago) I would do the following: Demand that the leadership and direct supporters of this attack be delivered to the US within five days. Consequence for non- delivery is that one major city (Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Algeria, Iran, Libya offer a wide range of choices) will be leveled with conventional weapons each five days (remember the Arc Light missions in Viet Nam?). -Nick T. -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body