At 12:08 AM 9/13/2001 +1000, Roman Black wrote: >* Media seems VERY intent on lecturing everyone that >"these must be super-organised super-rich terrorists >who trained for 10 years". Hmm. Reality? Any psycho >McVey and his buddies could have pulled this attack >off. My conclusion? Again deliberate coverup and >misinformation, peasants need to feel secure, and >they don't want to encourage loony groups. We are >being fed an insulting line of baloney. Read my tag line below. During the Oaklahoma City bombing all of the "experts" (has-been drips under pressure) were all set to hang the bombing on some radical Islamic group. Turns out to be one of our own. History repeating itself? >* 4th plane crashes in the woods. Nobody knows why. Could be a thousand reasons why. Including some sinister things. >* We hear really vague reports now about OTHER planes >doing suspicious things. How many? Where? Maybe this >was part of a larger attempt? Briefly heard this. Then nothing. Keep in mind there *were* a lot of things reported quickly without verifying them. Classic example was the report that they found a bunch of explosives on the George Washington Bridge. Turned out that a van with three guys in it were stopped in the Meadowlands and arrested for questioning. No explosives were found. WTF is that about? >I'm not a "conspiracy" oriented person, Neither am I. Nor do I have enough respect for the media or our government to be capable of pulling off a conspiracy and covering it up very well. Playing Devil's advocate for a minute here.... One reason I can think of for not reporting an estimated body count (too early for an accurate one, trust me on this one) would be to not give the bastards satisfaction. Just a thought... One thing that does bother me is the report I hear of their finding a car in Boston "with flight manuals written in Arabic." I'm sorry, but that reads like something from a pulp fiction written for teenager tastes.... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Peter L. Berghold Peter@Berghold.Net "Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it." -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body