Adam, couldn't you use just 1 current limiting resistor? Just add enough cheap silicon diodes to ensure no flow in worste case? Si Si LED Si Si LED 0.6 0.6 2.0 0.6 0.6 2.0 = 6.4V +5v----------|>|---|>|---|>|---+---|>|---|>|---|>|-----------Ground | PIC pin 0------/\/\/\----------/ Could then a similar arrangement be used to drive 2 transistor buffer circuits? /-------LOAD Hi--------------------------\ | | /-------LOAD Lo--\ /---------------- | ----/-------\ | | _| | _| | | \ /| \ /| | | \ / \ / | | --- --- | | | | | +5v---/------|>|---|>|----|-------+---|>|---|>|---|----------\---Ground | Si LED NPN | Si LED NPN 0.6 2.0 0.6 | 0.6 2.0 0.6 = 6.4V | PIC pin 0---------/\/\/\----------/ Bye. -----Original Message----- From: M. Adam Davis [mailto:adampic@UBASICS.COM] Sent: Tuesday, 11 September 2001 13:57 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: [EE] Two LEDs on port pin - High, Low, both off The key here is that diodes (LEDs) have a voltage drop below which they will not conduct.. Say you have a green and a red LED. The voltage drop for each might be 1.5 and 1.2 respectively. If you put both in series with a current limiting resister at 5 volts they will both light, BUT if you put them both in series with a current limiting resister and 2.5 volts neither will light. So: Get the two LEDs, two diodes where the diodes have a 1.5v drop each, and two resistors Hook them up in the following order: +5v-------/\/\/\---|>|---|>|---+---|>|---|>|---/\/\/\--------Ground where the plus (+) is the PIC pin controlling the LEDs. The diodes and LEDs can be mixed, only make sure that one LED and one diode are between the pic and ground and one LED and one diode between the pic and +5. The combined voltage drop of all the diodes and LEDs (1.2+1.5+1.5+1.5) is 5.7. This is greater than the supply voltage (5v) so when the pin is tri-stated none of the diodes will conduct, so neither LED lights. When the PIC pin is high, the diode and LED going to +5 will have no current, since the voltage drop (2.7) is greater than the votlage (0), while the diode and LED going to ground will have a full 5v across them, and that LED will light. The reverse is true for when the pin is low. I hope this helps! -Adam Jerome Knapp wrote: > Im trying to connect two LEDs to a pic port pin so that one lights >when the output is low, the other lights when the output is high, and they are >both off when the pin is tri-stated as an input. The first two requirements are >easily met in a lot of ways but I cannot figure out a simple way to get both >leds off when the pin is put into a hiZ state. I am looking for a solution >that uses just a few extra transistors and resistors - not something with >PALs or OpAmps. > > I have spent a bit of time puzzling over this and I am overlooking >something obvious or it is not as simple as it seems. I think it can be >done using both a p-channel and n-channel mosfets. > > Does anyone have any simpler, more elegant ideas? > >Thanks, >Jerome Knapp > >-- > hint: The list server can filter out subtopics >(like ads or off topics) for you. See > > > > > -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body