I am using a PIC16F876 with a 20 Mhz crystal. On one pin I am receiving a data stream of about 33 Khz,(from an RF source) I unlayer the data stream and output two separate data signals. The Main data that is recovered appears to have phase jitter. Interesting though, The data is stable when I first turn on the power to the receiver. After 10 - 20 minutes the data starts to jitter, if I spray a little coolant on the micro controller the data is stable and the jitter is gone, until it warms up again. I tried affecting the crystal and this does not appear to matter. If I touch the controller with a soldering iron for a few seconds, the jitter gets so bad the data is unusable. I can still put my finger on the part, so I have not over heated it. Any Ideas? Gordon Varney -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.