Im trying to connect two LEDs to a pic port pin so that one lights when the output is low, the other lights when the output is high, and they are both off when the pin is tri-stated as an input. The first two requirements are easily met in a lot of ways but I cannot figure out a simple way to get both leds off when the pin is put into a hiZ state. I am looking for a solution that uses just a few extra transistors and resistors - not something with PALs or OpAmps. I have spent a bit of time puzzling over this and I am overlooking something obvious or it is not as simple as it seems. I think it can be done using both a p-channel and n-channel mosfets. Does anyone have any simpler, more elegant ideas? Thanks, Jerome Knapp -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See