I'm using the Voice Direct 364 in a PIC-based DAQ system and I want to use it with my robot. So far I've tested the basic stand-alone modes and most of the slave mode. I did have some trouble with the CL mode saving it's template (SD mode was fine) but it fixed itself... If you haven't studied the slave mode yet, check out the extensive user vocabulary for speach output. Some of the words and phrases sound a little strange but they are still very useful. - Tom At 12:30 04-09-01 -0500, rad0 wrote: >hello, > >I've just put together a sensory voice kit , voice direct 364, > >and it seems to work pretty good, it was easy enough for me >to hook up, so that's a plus... > >just curious to what it is being used for... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Handley New Age Communications Since '75 before "New Age" and no one around here is waiting for UFOs ;-) -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics