Hello all, I'm looking for some assistance in working on a small PIC project, to keep me out of mischief while living in London for a few years. What I wish to create is a PIC TCP/IP based board, that has the ability to be controlled entirely by TCP/IP and perhaps rs232 for monitoring/test purposes. It will control a few 12 volt items lets say turn on a led, or a little motor, and also have the ability to turn on/off a 240v load. So basically the board can be controlled by a standard PC, via TCP/IP or RS232 and it will allow you to turn on and off a couple of relays for lights and motors, and also a 240 load on and off. I also do not believe in reinventing the wheel, so thought I'd put out some feelers to see what others have done, maybe there are some do's and dont's also. Which particular PIC chip would be the best to use for this kind of a device... I'd prefer to use the most powerful PIC chip that I can ... powerful being the most universal for future enhancement etc. I guess I'm kind of looking for a partner to work with remotely, or together on coming up with a prototype and to further the ideas and main idea for the devices use. I have seen a lot of the PIC based web servers, which could possibly be the core TCP/IP and control system for the device. This will be a fun project to get into if anyone is interested. Thanks for your time! Richard. New Zealander trapped in London :( haha __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger http://im.yahoo.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu