Hi, I'm trying to get an AT keyboard to communicate with my PIC16F84 and I'm having a great deal of trouble with it. The PIC is running at 4MHz and I'm using a modified version of Adam Chapweske's code (I made a few identifiers uppercase instead of lowercase) and I'm getting the following data from my BTC 8140M keyboard (AT-style, supposedly ergonomically designed, has a nice Synaptics Touchpad fitted, too), all data in hexadecimal format. The keyboard was connected to a Cuecat's pass-through connector, then the 'Cat was hooked up to the MiniDIN port on my protoboard: On power up: AA Selftest passed When the "1" key is pressed: 56 "1" scancode with bit 6 on (WTF?) FA Unknown FE "Resend"?!?! But I didn't send anything to the keyboard... Have I missed something here? Thanks. -- Phil. philpem@bigfoot.com http://www.philpem.f9.co.uk/ -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body