> mowing neighbor's flowers Maybe you could consider using a 433 MHz Tx/Rx pair as a beacon and have the robot stop dead if the signal becomes too weak. You could also consider two or more beacons and DF equipment on the robot for navigation. It strikes me that RF is not disturbed by water, dirt, sunlight etc. The position where you would mount the beacons would be indifferent (i.e. not in the center, preferrably spaced out to give good angle resolution and coverage). The multiplexed whip antenna (artificial doppler) would be usable I think, using PIN diodes switched by a PIC, that would also evaluate the standard 433MHz receiver output. The transmitters would be sequenced (also using PICs) so they use the same frequency but different IDs. Combined with a mechanical restrainig scheme (bricks on border or cable on short tent stakes 10 cm above ground delimiting perimeter) this would be reasonably safe I think. Since the mower is already round putting the doppler whips on in a circle on top will be esthetical ;-). Just be sure to put some english inscription on it so nobody takes it to SETI by mistake. This could work with the learning scheme. The robot could weave deliberately to cover a swath slightly wider than the DF accuracy in each pass, to avoid leaving uncut areas. There is a firm called Friendly Robotics which makes robotic lawn mowers. I know nothing of their system. Peter -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.