>Just a quick update, I pulled the crystal and installed an RC oscillator. >Now the PIC works. So it must have to do with the config register and/or the >programmer. Any help? Assuming you're using PICSTART Plus or MPLAB-ICD, you'll find a pull-down that selects between RC and other choices. That needs to be correct when you program your device. Most C compilers have a special configuration directive like __CONFIG( RC ) that, when compiled, results in the hex code (*.hex) containing the settings required for the configuration word. MPASM has a similar directive. BTW, the config word is just another programmable address, but it's way up high in memory. When you set it manually (when programming) or automatically (via CONFIG directives in C or assembly) , you're simply programming that address with device-specific configuration settings. When you assemble or compile an application, the manual settings in PICSTART Plus or MPLAB-ICD reflect the value of the config bits, i.e. they "read" the hex file. So if you do nothing, the oscillator bits will remain at 1 (unprogrammed PIC). On the 16C77 (and many others), 1's in FOSC1:FOSC0 mean "RC oscillator is selected." So that's why it works with RC and not HS or XT. Regards, -- ______________________________________ Andrew E. Kalman, Ph.D. aek@pumpkininc.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics