Richard, just for the record, I wasn't the original poster. Good suggestions though. I once tried all these tricks on a small DC motor that was failing EMC compliance tests with not much luck The answer was a series inductor in each lead to the motor and ceramic caps to motor casing. > Brent > Since it only happens whaen the motor is connected I suggest you look > again at your earthing and power supply arrangements. It sounds as if > you're doing it nearly right with the 2 supplies. Is the motor > supplied from the 12V also - a bit of filtering on the feed to the > relay may assist. If you are not going to be reversing the motor a > diode accross it may help also - particularly if it has field windings > rather than perminant magnets. > > Overall, I'd suggest making sure the earths are tied at only one > point, filtering the 12V to the relay using a 10ohm resistor and 100n > cap and if possible filtering the motor supply with at least a small > inductor / cap and possibly a diode as well. > > Richard P Brent Brown Electronic Design Solutions 16 English Street Hamilton, New Zealand Ph/fax: +64 7 849 0069 Mobile/text: 025 334 069 eMail: -- hint: To leave the PICList