Matthew Fries wrote... >Alright, I have been seeing so many commercials about this thing and = have >wondered how it could possibly work. > >In case you have not heard of it, the "internal antenna" looks to be a >thin piece of gold foil... [snip] >Is this in fact just a bunch of hooey, or does it have any credability = as >a valid device? > >What do you think? I think it works (for the seller) as follows: 1. Gullible customer forks over $29.95 or whatever for one of these things and slaps it onto his cellphone; 2. Customer doesn't notice any improvement, and begins to feel sheepish for having been a dolt; 3a. Customer continues watching those advertisements, seeing that ditzey blonde frown and shake her head at one cell phone (the one that's not ringing) and then smile at the other cell phone (the one with the "internal antenna", which is ringing), and begins to wonder if he installed the device wrong; or 3b. Customer doesn't want to feel like a dumb rube, so he begins to imagine that the device is actually doing something for his reception; and finally, 4. By the time enough people get around to filing consumer fraud complaints with the authorities, the principals have fled to the Bahamas. Not sure, and I may be completely wrong, but I think that's how the "internal antenna" works. Dave -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.