Alright, I have been seeing so many commercials about this thing and have wondered how it could possibly work. In case you have not heard of it, the "internal antenna" looks to be a thin piece of gold foil with adhesive backing that you place underneath the battery of your cell phone. It claims to boost the signal reception of your cell phone. My question is... How? The phone that is used in the ad is a Nokia of some sort. Lucky me, I have a nokia, so I could use it as comparison. I don't even know how this would work, because it does not appear that the foil is electrically connected with *ANY* contacts on the phone at all. Secondly, the foil does not appear to contain any active components, or any recognizable components at all. It's just foil. Thirdly, the foil does not even seem to be any complete circuit. It appears to be a collection of traces arranged in a U or C shape. Maybe this acts as some sort of RF coil or filter? If so, how could it possibly have an effect since it is neither grounded or connected to the phone? Is this in fact just a bunch of hooey, or does it have any credability as a valid device? What do you think? -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.