At 02:07 PM 8/26/01 -0400, Fritz Braun Jr. wrote: >Hi All > >Do we have any radio hams on the list? Where can I get information about >the 433 MHz band licensing requirements? I've tried the FCC page, part 15 >etc, but ended up more confused than when I started. I'd like to find out: >1. Is this a licensed band in the US? >2. Is it classified as usable for ISM applications? >3. What are the requirements for licensing at this frequency in the US, if >any? That's a ham band here. September VHF contest is coming up, a great time for cordless phones and such, when our local contester fires up 250W in the 440 band, 902-928, 1296 and 2304. 902-928 and some part of the 2304 area is shared with licence-free and /or ISM devices. We have some low power alarm devices around 300-ish IIRC. Percon has a frequency database that might help. I agree the FCC site is a bit convoluted and hard to find useful info on. -- Dave's Engineering Page: I would have a link to here in my signature line, but due to the inability of sysadmins at TELOCITY to differentiate a signature line from the text of an email, I am forbidden to have it. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.