RE: [EE]: Design Challenge - low power step down switching regulatorMichael asked me to forward this URL to the list as his mesages are being bounced at present. ________________________________________________________________ Sorry to email you directly, but I can no longer post to the mailing list, every mail is bounced. There has been an awful lot of interest in your Switching regulator, so I thought it might be worth mentioning that linear technology have a free download of "Switcher CAD", about a 2.8 Meg download. This is based on SPICE but includes a nice GUI with schematic capture. It obviously is designed to simulate Linears components, and includes models of all their switcher IC's, but also has a reasonable library of other parts, and being SPICE based should be easy to find other component models. I'd be be gratefull if you could pass the URL to the list: I entered your "divine switcher" schematic and although it clearly "switched", the output waveforms were pretty horrendous (i.e. the 10 volt output had 20 volt spikes on it). I need to play a bit more as this is more than likely down to the slightly suspicious component substitions I had to make using the supplied library. _____ Thanks for the reference - I'll try it. I have a presumably older version of Switcher CAD but as far as I know it doesn't do simulations. The simulator may not perhaps like the pure inductor - I had problems with these long ago with Spice. I don't know how this applied to the LT version. Try adding a small resistance in series with the inductor - say 0r1 to 1r0. In practice it is much better behaved than this. regards Russell -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body