> >..or build a circuit that generates 8 pulses on each input edge - you > >could probably do this with a 4017 CMOS counter. > > hmm, I had some wild idea about doing that.. but wonderd howto make > the 8 pulses come evenly spaced and still not overlap into next 50 hz > cycle if the pulses are too far apart it will still be dong pulse 7 or > 8 when next 50 hz pulse comes. Tho you got me thinking.. maybe theres > no need to have the pulses evenly spaced but just fire 8 times as fast > as it can take it basically - should work. There's probably no reason that your output can't lag behind the input by one cycle. I doubt it is something that the user would notice. That means you can time one cycle, divide the time by eight and generate evenly spaced pulses while you time the next incoming cycle. If the incoming frequency varies by more than 1/8 you have a theoretical problem (you haven't finished sending the last lot before you need to start over). Again, in practical terms, who cares as long as you are looking for a frequency output, not an absolute number of pulses. The times are relatively long so it would be fairly simple to implement as a couple of software timing loops in a 12C508 and absolute frequency isn't an issue so the internal RC oscillator would be fine. Steve. ====================================================== Steve Baldwin Electronic Product Design TLA Microsystems Ltd Microcontroller Specialists PO Box 15-680, New Lynn http://www.tla.co.nz Auckland, New Zealand ph +64 9 820-2221 email: steveb@tla.co.nz fax +64 9 820-1929 ====================================================== -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics