Dear Piclist, I've been using PICs and Stamps for 2 years now. beginning at school and now playing with them at home using MPASM. I would like to start experimenting with the serial port. more precisely I would like to send 8-bit data to the PIC and get some back. My main problem isn't on the PIC side of things as there is a wealth of code and examples around, my problem is finding the software to send the data and to receive it. I have a little knowledge of using Delphi and QBasic but don't know how to implement the serial port. A program to send/receive the data would be good enough at the moment. If anyone knows of such a program or knows of detail of how to do this in Delphi (I'm on version 4 at the moment) (I'd rather not use QBasic) I'd be very grateful. Thanks in advance, Mark Craig Glasgow Scotland -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See