> My experience with parts that heat up during programming are either > inserted wrong so that the power rails are reversed, VPP is too high > when applied to MCLR (> 13V which kills chips without mercy - probably Thanks for the input. Based on the data sheets, it looks like the 16f628/f84 are pin compatible. I put the f628 in the socket the same way I put the f84 in, so I don't think anything is hooked up wrong. Vpp measured about 11.7 volts, if I remember correctly. On the first one or two chips, RB3 (or whatever the low voltage programming select pin is) was possibly left floating. But on subsequent program trials, I had it pulled down, so I don't think it was causing problems. > wrong pin. You might like to check that power is active on VCC and GND > "before" the high voltage is applied to VPP. I checked VCC and ground, and I'm getting 4.96 V, so that should be ok. Would it be possible that the programmer is screwed up somehow? Marginal for programming 16f84, and just can't hack it for 16f628 somehow? Seems unlikely, but I'm at the end of my rope and would love to be able to program some other parts. Thanks again -Steve -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu