Vasile, >Do you know that heliobacter pylori don't live in strong acidity medium >? Drink basic ( alkaline ) drinks [ plant-tea (plant read as vegetable and >not factory or power-plant) ] and your body will compensate that producing >more acid. It's verified. this is very interesting I do not know what it means "Drink basic ( alkaline ) drinks" and also "plant read as vegetable" can you give me more info.? >You may dim a little the UV tube by decreasing ( 10 to 35 % ) the >high voltage and keeping almost constant the filament. Usual, the nominal >voltage dropout is about 70...120 V on a standard tube, you may have >something else there. >A cheap stepup convertor like those used in high efficiency bulbs may help >you. See some schematics at: > excellent. Vasile Andre -- hint: To leave the PICList -- hint: To leave the PICList