At 12:20 AM 8/9/01 -0500, Dale Botkin wrote: >Not anything PIC related other than I just finishd a PIC project, so had >room on the bench to do this... but I just fixed my dual-band V/UHF >mobile radio that's been nonfunctional for a year or so. An internal >protection diode between + and - gave its life and in the process welded >itself into a dead short. Now to figure out how to mount this old beast >in my car... why can't I find a DIN size ham rig, I wonder? I'd give up >the CD player to mount a good radio in the dash. > >Well, like I said, completely off-topic but it's late, I'm a little punchy >and thought I'd share, as my kids say. They usually go that way. It may have been a zener as well, which blows the fuse on reversal, or overvolt. Good job, no more QRT. :) -- Dave's Engineering Page: I would have a link to here in my signature line, but due to the inability of sysadmins at TELOCITY to differentiate a signature line from the text of an email, I am forbidden to have it. -- hint: To leave the PICList