I was having the similar problems with 98. Every now and then I needed to do a clean install and it ran fine for a while and then gradually the problems came back (other issues such as machine not shutting down etc also began to appear). I was using 98 Second Edition. I then changed my operating system to NT 4 with SP 6 and have had no such problems. Web surfing is now working properly, windows are being refreshed when they should, no more lock ups and the machine completes it's shut down process correctly. I do not know enough about Windows to say whether the problems occurred due to 3rd party software etc, but from my experience have seen the problems disappear with a different operating system. Hope this is of some use to you Best Regards David Huisman -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.